and the beginning fugue the song is a total aaron copland steal, but not really, 'cause we changed things, you know. in the--roughly the same period, you took a trip to nicaragua in the late '80s. what was the fascination there? i had run across-- i'm very fond of-- what's the word? what are those women who have two--bipolar women. bipolar women who drink are the most exciting women that i've run into, as a general rule. and i ran into this story of nora astorga, who was a lawyer in managua before the-- during and before the revolution succeeded in 1979. and her story had been that she had been a lawyer who worked downtown, like on-- what's the street? madison avenue or something-- type lawyer, but secretly was supportive of the sandinistas and would do this, that, and the other thing for them in her capacity as a downtown lawyer. and there was this general who was general vega something or other, who was hustling her and wanted her to be his concubine and this, that, and the other thing. she would keep putting him off and off and off. finally, one day, they concocted a plot to lure him u