aaron d. ford of nevada. -- attorneys general, it's great to have you all with us.tatement about tyre nichols's death, you write about the tremendous work needed to address corruption, police brutality, and racial injustice. talk to us about how you and your community members are doing on that front and what work would you like to see done to address police violence? >> first of all, thank you for having me and it's great to be on with my colleagues, who of course have been doing the work for a long time. we all didn't need to see another video to know that we still need transparency and accountability in our policing systems and our current legal systems. in my past work as a local counselor in the city of boston, i worked on making sure our officers were equipped with body cameras. we now have a civilian review board to review incidents of misconduct at the state level. we have a post system, where an officer can be decertified based on certain behavior. but as attorney general, i have pledged to create a police accountability unit within the office. and that is c