and also this main electric line that supplies the annual to sign a tight sanitation. aaron garza. what's the latest on that? yeah, that's completely right. is ready. hot blood ministers have taken a new escalade to just touch that presented and catching golf electricity that have been provided from the east by the side to the gods, a straight behind me. here you can see the cause of pop plants, which is the only a j electricity generating blown to the cause, a stripe that has been a very critical but fun revel pots of beach territories. in for us talk say it was originally designed to provide a 114 may go off to the gaza strip, but huge if you shortages damage and technical limitations. it has often operate said at much low capacity, sometimes as low as 60 may go up, the can not be enough to provide the entire process trip. and now, due to be expanded miniature operations in gaza, it has like 2 significant destruction to electricity networks. which means, which means that the possibility for this plan to operate again must bus require the rehabilitation of this free trial network,