. -- aaron hurst. stand -- a sad state of affairs.rom a question of what they are doing at the time they are working. that worries me. are youre a question of bringing yourself to work, are you able to bring yourself to work. -- you worked 35 hours last week, right? .gov know, i thought it was 35 hours yesterday. >> thank you so much. purpose at wells fargo. >> we are going to be discussing global growth on our ability to manage risks for businesses. the opportunities there coming up. ♪ >> good morning, everyone. i'm tom keene. this matters now to our guest host. a cottage industry of miserable people in the sent desk with a sense of purpose. why would are doing what we are doing? like lemmings off a cliff, we follow the tried and true path. michael lewis about this last week, the new education. we need more one-on-one relationships. we got to the point where school has become a factory and what we actually need teachers and parents to have a one-on-one relationship with kids around learning. academy like what you described, bringing