cory: our interview with aaron levie, the ceo of box.g up, bill gates discusses pharma, drug pricing, and much more. check us out on radio. you can listen to me and carol massar on the bloomberg radio app,, and sirius xm station 119. this is bloomberg. ♪ ♪ cory: welcome back to the best of "bloomberg west." i am cory johnson in for emily chang. this week, bloomberg presented a focus on pharma. diving deep into pharmaceuticals and biotechnology with a range of stories and analysis across every one of bloomberg's platforms. bill gates has made it the mission of his foundation to use modern medicine to wipe out the disease from the poor in the world. he sat down with erik schatzker in boston. bill: vaccines have still been the tool that saves the most lives. even today, inventing new vaccines for hiv, malaria, tb, a number of these diseases that are still out literally killing millions of people, that's a top priority for us. because it is a magical intervention. erik: and other areas like gene therapies, for example, or gene