i want to thank aaron mundy and my office for incredible coordination, work that had to go into holding this together. i decided to request the hearing after visiting behavioral health court and drug court. i wanted to learn as much as i could as you quickly as i could about how the city responds to mental health challenges of our residents. the criminal justice system seem to present challenges and opportunities. i have been deeply impressed and inspired by the work of the collaborative courts and partners. but especially by their graduates. i was troubled by what i learned. i learned notwithstanding the amazing work b.h.c. does, its clients wait on average six weeks for placement and treatment. i'm told the wait times used to be worse. six weeks is still too long. keep in mind, those wait times are with the extra muscle of district attorneys and judges calling on behalf program participants. i called for this hearing to shine a well-deserved spotlight on the successes of the collaborative courts and behavioral health court and misdemeanor health court. also, maybe more importantly to