. >> chair weiner, and member, kim and president chiu, aaron peskin let me salute the three of you because of a matter of principal and policy, you all are publicly saying the exact same things. the concept here is to time bar and limit appeals of cap xs, and mag decks heretofore for the last ten years and that has not happened and as the share man has said, i failed at that and two of my successor colleagues failed at that, and i think that you are on the precipis of solving that. we, i think, as a community, whether you come from the development side and whether you come as an interested member of the public or whether you come as a potential project opponent. we all agree that if you want to time limit appeals, you have to have robust notice, and good checks and balances. i think that we compromise piece of legislation, that is before you attempt to do that. is it perfect? no. should it be refined? absolutely. should the three members of this committee, the other members of the board, the public and interested parties either the rba or the sierra club have input in that, in the days ahe