. >> i just talked to a representative and so far their review is very favorable but like aashto we'll ask them to formally respond and ask for recommendations if we're required. >> okay. well, i want to thank you for your patience waiting for all these votes. these are issues that are very important to me, to all of us on the committee. but in closing, i invite your review of our bill reported from subcommittee. it's a rather copious document, but i -- i put this together on a couple of pages in a very simplified version, and i have a copy of that with me. maybe i don't have it with me. well, but it's a lot easier to sketch this out in a schematic then to craft the legislative language to implement it. but we now have it spelled out, implemented in our bill. here we are. so this is it. >> we're going to leave the remainder of this recorded program and take you live to capitol hill, a forum on healthcare policy. the national institute for healthcare management invited healthcare policy experts and insurance company executives to talk about how the healthcare system is funded. that's na