reporter: ababidjan is thehe commmmercial capitital of ivoryy coast, a city of 4.5 milli oplele.n the fringe of marcory marart isis the snack s stall that po monatitine runs togegether witr fafamily. someone'e's always hungry, so is openrorom 6:00 in ththe mornig till 10:00 in the evening. the kbine bleu's been in business for 28 years -- a local legend. paco, who isis 22, runs ththe k bar togetherer with her momothed other female relatives. pacoco: i like it t here a lot.. iteedsds ouramily,y, a my mamama also worksks here. i i like it a lolot. it's hard, but work is work. and woululdn'tive itit ufor anytything else. reporter: the plantainins are t up andnd then fried d inunflowr oil for eight to ten minut,, untitil th're ninicend greasas they're eaten mostly with meat or fish.h. almomost everyone e can affort hehere. childrdren love to e eat the as frfrom the stallll without anyny trimmings. alococos remind everyone here f ho c cooking. when i've got time, i rmrmally iake e themyself.f. i i don't come f from around h, but when i'm'm in town, meme ay daughthter come by.. >> i lo