buchanan ball haider al- abadily who played with miles was another hero of mine. -- cannonball adderlyther hero of mine. i would put a record on, you could put it on 78 and it would actually play it almost an octave lower so i could hear what was happening in the solo. so i was that kid that would run home and, like, try and write these solos out and figure it out. >> rose: like diagramming sentence also. >> yeah, and oh, that's what he was doing and how he moved around that. i couldn't come close to doing it. but i was gleaning what was going on. >>ñr rose: that wasÑi>ok an eary introduction. when did you say i'm going to make a movie? >> well, it was something that kind of came down -- i told the story a billion times, but 2006, miles was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame and they were interviewing vince wilbourn, who is his nephew, toured with him, and they said are you ever going to do a movie about his life? he said, yes, and don cheadle will play him. so he made a proclamation. so they called me. they had been trying to do a movie that predieted dated me at least 20 ye