in 2006 abbie dorn gave birth to triplets, but she had complications during delivery and was left brainamaged, unable to speak or move. a year after it happened, her husband dan told her parents he wanted a divorce. they agreed to it. today dan lives with the children, who will be four in june. his lawyer says his client is worried the kids would be traumatized if they knew their births led to their mom's condition. >> it is not his goal to keep the children away from her. he believes it's his right to make the decision, and when it's age appropriate where they can understand the horrible tragedy, he'll be the first one on a plane to take them to see her mother. >> dan dorn's lawyer says his ex-wife is legally incapable of making decisions about her kids, and that is based on a 2007 report in which a neurologist described abbie dorn's condition as permanent. but abbie's parents say she has responded well to intensive rehabilitation programs, and that she can now blink to indicate yes and no. and using that method, they say their daughter has told them she wants to see her children. >> s