ladies and gentlemen please welcome abby david lowell for tonight's discussion. as our tradition why the judges deliberate i wanted to make sure that we can continue the conversation so please let me bring to the state a person i had known for a while and someone who has insights into the themes that this book and play address. he is a trial lawyer and advisor about crisis and media events and was one of the lead lawyers in advising apple in the controversy that it is having with the government namely the fbi. they were involved in litigation in dealing with the issues that were both in court in the media and continued to be so. in a play and a trial about 1984 what more apt and relevant can it be then to walk sent to welcome to the state someone who is living why he only imagined. so let's start with the first question i know everybody here knows the issue or is the controversy of apple versus fbi. i have in my conversations including my own thoughts about it's very misunderstood. some liken it a case about privacy some about taking of the government let's start