abby joseph cohen, are you lowering the boat after 11%? abby: that's a very charged question, mr.n. let me ask a few questions and then answer. do we think this is a recession? the answer is no. you would think there are some idiosyncratic reasons why profits -- do we think there are some idiosyncratic reasons why profits -- yes, we do. some of it having to do with the currency adjustment because of the rise of the dollar. the profit picture will likely be improving in 2006 -- 2016 vs. 2015. we have,nclude, as that it's not an economic recession or a prophet recession, we take a look at the valuations. profitons in many -- a recession, we take a look at the valuations. scarlet: certain sectors have gotten a huge bump up. --this the time to abby: this is the time to look at companies. 's,n you look at 25-year p/e in some cases, high p/e's are warranted. our focus is really on margins. those are companies that are able to continue to generate good returns on capital and so on. a fewile you identified sectors that have performed well as companies -- stocks, the question for 2016 is,