inc. to do business as ad hoc located 779 bush sever the public convenience or necessity. >> thank you. i like to welcome officer from the sfpd abc liaison unit. >> good morning. 79 bush applied for a lice nss and allow them to operate on sale public premise. zero letters of protest, zero of support. plot 158 is considered high crime. census 121, high saturation. central station has no opposition and recommend approval. monitor the area under the control in a effort to prevent loitering on persons adjacent to the premise and any entertainment not audible at near resident or consideration point. >> thank you. any questions from colleagues? are there representatives from the applicant present? >> good morning. david. let me just start off by saying, this application has been 9 months in the pipeline. due to the conditional use process requirement extensive outreach performed. preapplication meeting and no one showed up to meeting. the planning department received 8 letters of support and during the commission hearing they described the application and project as being total step with the city recovery plan for market and union squa