principle, initially, the biden administration tried to improve relations with reisi with minister abdalakhiany the way, initiated the negotiation process on the nuclear deal, thanks, by the way, that means because our country had just launched the negotiation process, and we were trying to bring them closer together. iran, in principle, just realized for itself how the deal could be put to an end, but that they have nothing to negotiate with the west, the americans understand this very well, so now we see with you that iran, in fact, is precisely through the efforts of the just work was done on how to determine their geopolitical vector, that is, where they are, what they are... people who recognize its physical syndrome do not always have a clear idea, they definitely do not agree with each other regarding its nature and origin. in 2008, a woman named chris newby made a documentary about lyme disease, at that time it was becoming a serious global disease, and its origin was a mystery, there were various rumors, but no one knew for sure. the documentary is called under our skin, here is a sel