secretary pacheco: item number eight, 10-141, abdelhalim fadi, 912 geneva avenue, a suspension for selling tobacco to minors, fd-10-49. deputy city attorney: you have -- minutes. >> indicating he sold tobacco to a minor on september 30. this is the only incident of a violation for mr. fadi, and as you can tell from the name of the business, "house of cigarettes," 90% of this business is cigarettes. he does sell some telephone cards, as well. he has no record of a prior violation. the circumstances surrounding the sale is that the person came into the store in mr. fadi did not check the i.d. he just returned from a trip to jordan because his mother is ill there, and he was jack led -- jet lagged. he was approached for the violation. he is responsible for the support of his family, his wife and two children. he does have an adult child who works in the store during his absence in jordan. i would urge you to consider some of the information that i have learned about this type of prosecution in the jason county of san mateo where these matters are prosecuted through the criminal courts, and th