abdul mouhammad has 38,300 entries on the internet alone. this is what i submitted to the secretary of the army. it was not to make the determined thing, it was to get the army to go through the regulation that was mentioned in here comes from army regulation 600, 822, paragraph 2-8. specifically says in the case of international terrorism, secretary of army has the authority to do that. but it has to have an investigation done and submitted by security officer. to this point we still have no answer whether it's done. what we get now is just a criminal act. that denies the fact that abdul mouhammad flew to yemen on 9/11, 2007. 365 days, why would he pick that day? he's arrested on november 14, 2008. in his possession, he's got bomb making materials, he has awlaqi tapes, a fake smally passport. why would he have a fake a malia passport? he was going to somalia. i asked them that question, they said think couldn't say it. i've been to a malia, i've been there. the average guy can't read. if you show him a piece of paper with a bunch of rubber