salam tanzania is the professor abdul sharif, he is a professor of history in zanzibar. well, welcome to you both, um, and ranji, let me start with you, first question, the humanitarian pause, your reaction and expectations. so, thanks for having me with you. i am skeptical that we're seeing the end of the situation in palestine that has led to all the violence. what we always see in our own media, is is a false depiction of the... narrative, so if you like, it starts, all of the picture in our current media starts with that act of resistance, but it's not shown as an active resistance, it's showed as a, justified, premeditated, cold-bloaded act of murder, we're told it's an act of genocide, the largest killing of jews since the holocaust, yeah, and it totally takes out of context, doesn't look back at the entire history, of the colonization and occupation of the palestinian people, of the systematic destruction of their rights. i've been active in the cause of palestine, as an oppressed people who are living under apartite regime. with you know decreased rights um who h