prince abdulaziz: we are keeping all options open.dingements, cooperation with other producers, mindful of national circumstances, including the new spirit within opec, the new ,uts, what else to demonstrate they decided to see it as a way to be up and running and acting responsibly. with that in mind, it does not take a hero to predict that this , be itrrangement structured or generically created as a result of this extraordinary situation, would also not be -- any further requirements. we are still hoping that this situation can be mitigated within the next couple of months and less uncertainty will prevail as opposed to more uncertainty. once we turn that curve away, things will be a lot enter and things will be. in terms of readiness, i believe arabia,eak of saudi that as long as all of our partners already to do anything be the first would to commit in the last two abandon. annmarie: just five weeks ago, you and russia were headed toward a quite nasty divorce. where does this leave the .elationship now could we see another price