to go to the lawyer for one minute to abdulelah haider shaye's lawyer, who describes how shaye was beatenychologically tortured by yemeni security forces. >> abdulelah haider shaye received many threats from the security forces over the phone and when kidnapped the first time, they beat him and interrogated him. i think he was arrested based on request on the american government. at the time of his arrest, they beat him, even though he did not resist them. he was asked by soldiers to come and he went with them. they took him from his house and when they're in his yard, they beat him cruelly with their guns. one of them bit him in the chest and the score was still there. in prison, he was not physically tortured, but he was psychologically tortured. he was put in a dirty bathroom for five days and told all of his friends and family members had left him, that he was alone, and that no one supported his case. he was tortured by false information. in the first session of the prosecution, i noticed one of abdulelah haider shaye's teeth was extracted and another one was broken in addition to so