my name abdullah miguel. i am here today to thank the president of the united states, barack obama, who has received my voice in the white house. finally, after i used to be here fight for the veterans who go to the war, and after he finish his war, he come here to be one homeless in the streets of san francisco [speaker not understood]. our president decided to ending the veteran homeless. he's going to give them housing and we're going to ask every one of you as the oldest homeless advocate, i would like to ask the supervisor [speaker not understood] my city to have list for each one of the homeless in your district. if they are veteran, they are going to get housing. if they are not veteran, i work now behind this issue to help our sheriff to give warm job for the people who ending their own time in the jail. god bless you and god bless everyone who work and try to make it his district better than other. and i would -- i don't for get to tell our supervisor, happy, happy african month day. thank you. carme