the jewish community through abe foxman at the ado to make sure we told this movie sensitively setting emphasized the love of jesus, and mr. foxman gave us a great endorsement from the ado. >> that's terrific. >> a few movies that starts the healing. >> begins the healing. >> wow. finding jesus for this movie, was that difficult? he was on yesterday. we loved him, but was he tough to find? >> isn't he amazing? >> perfect. >> his english is his third language. >> yeah, very bright. >> really amazing. portuguese and spanish and he's a huge star in portugal, spain and brazil. i think americans are going to really find him -- >> did you know right away when you saw him? did you say, that's the guy? >> absolutely right away when we saw him. we knew he was the one. >> you said that you wanted somebody who would embody the lamb and the lion. had to have that kind of compassion and the strength. >> we wanted strength. he has presence. he has charisma. he's easy on the eyes. >> yes, he is. >> hello. >> and yet at the same time he's tender and he's compassionate. >> you know what he told me the