abe karem while the tricks to making a plane that can soar well and in his los angeles garage, he built the uav technology demonstrator that was truly innovative. karem caught at the albatross, naming it after one of nature's greatest going earths. the albatross offered a nominal 48 hours without refueling, which was far longer than any military uav ever thrown up that kind. the demonstrator, karem got a contract from the research agency darpa to develop a larger uav for the armed services. darpa named that little drone. in 1989 a senior official wrote in a magazine article providing an order of magnitude increase in a lifetime recorded by previous uavs have let the joint chiefs of staff to establish a new endurance category and an unmanned aircraft master plan ordered by congress. yet largely for personal and bureaucratic reasons in a detail in the book, karem was unable to sell its trust of the defense department and the company he created to build them what a great 1990. thanks to some other unorthodox thinkers, abe karem's ideas come his revolutionary ideas didn't die when his compa