firefighter o'neill, paramedic hair, firefighter leonard, firefighter lee, firefighter gabriel, firefighter abella, firefighter zimmerman, firefighter cortez, firefighter forney, did i miss anybody? i think we are all there. these are just a few of the members that responded. again, we are very honored that you are giving us this. thank you. [applause] [applause] >> okay, thank you. that concludes our commendations for today. except, we actually have a special commendation today. i think it is fair to say that it is shared with all my colleagues on the board of supervisors. so i wonder what that could be? we are here today to appreciate and thank an individual who i think we can all agree has been one of the most dedicated public servants to the board of supervisors in the city. john given her -- john. gibner it is not an easy job that you have had dealing with not only the 11 of us in here, by through the years, many, many other individuals that are very demanding. feuding -- fielding dozens of legal requests, sometimes all within the same day, if not the same hour, providing legal council during