i said that for this reason, their movement on the holy shrine of hazrat abi abdullah, in my opinion, that pehbada , the main work that was chosen from the beginning, may have been psychologically different for him, yes, it is a long three hours away. from here to there, it is precisely timed to arrive at the same time as the rockets. this is because he wants to criticize the message and prepare the space. besides, he had a military job that was supposed to engage the air defense system , he told the other side that he gave this message that anyone who wants to go to hide, we fought as men and young men, we did not go, we killed the woman and the child, and that we gave this message that every someone wants to leave, and the psychological pressure that came is very heavy for them now, and i read to us , i hear that, sir, we should impose the same pressure on iran, that this pressure is the point, i remember. that night, the news that we were watching here on multiple news channels, in one hour, it said that drones were seen in iraq. as the news spread, this created a psychological bur