now, this brings us to why abia is happening. thanks to the incredible work of a lot of american face groups, and i mean, jews, christians, muslims, they shine a light on what was happening in south sudan, the fact that from 83 onwards there's been this merciless campaign of ethnic cleansing, and they eventually got the united states government to focus on what was happening there. this is an example of what we can achieve when we actually put our minds to it, and when there is international political will. because of america, the people in khartoum were eventually pressured into having peace talks going into a whole negotiation that dragged on for years, of course, but eventually in 2005, they signed what's calls the comprehensive peace agreement which was neither comprehensive nor has it led to peace, but nevermine. they decided on a border around south sudan, but the problem with this is the people in khartoum who run the regime, it would be wrong to think of them as a caricature or african dictatorship. these are very shrewd