isyou all know, fisher ii the second round in the supreme court of abigail fisher's challenge to the university of texas' admissions policy. this was a big surprise in terms of the way the court decided this case, especially with justice kennedy writing the majority opinion. there's a lot that can be said about this decision but i think i'd like to talk about it in terms of what it reflects about the ark of justice kennedy's thinking about issues of race conscious admissions. it demonstrates a remarkable in the way he looks at these issues and it does offer insight into how we might anticipate and expect how the court might rule going forward. talking about fisher, we should start talking about anthony kennedy and greater. it frames and understanding of what he did in the fisher case. in grutter, the supreme court upheld the university of michigan's law school race conscious admissions program in 2003. kennedycase, justice lambasted -- he issued a scathing dissent regarding the courts decision. he lambasted the majority on a bunch of grounds. he accused the court of failing to adhere