there was a strong opposition from folks like abigail fisher , a caucasian, who felt like they were being discriminated against because they have the same opportunities as someone else. this came before the supreme court a couple of times, just the sense of, look, i understand is a difficult issue but we will not shy away from it. universities, making admissions decisions, that around a table -- sit around a table and consider lots of factors and they might have guideposts and whatever else. they tend to be pretty holistic. that is like what justice kennedy did when he was trying cases. i think he tried to explain how best he could. we understand the universities want to take a lot of factors into account. they have some discretion to do that. it does not mean the courts don't play a role. it is a decision that looks like it is influenced by race. we will give it strictest constitutional scrutiny. we are not going to say you absolutely cannot do it or you can do whatever you want just because it is hard. we will continue to play a role, and if i have to, i will keep deciding these cases.