going on and if the united states. desired any intervention of any sort. the liberty was leaving abijan port as israeli forces were in military position and getting ready for action. of course, the egyptians were based in the sinai desert before them. the israelis preferred for the issue to resolve without military action, because they weren't ready to fight, and on two different fronts, from the southwest with egypt and the north and east with syria and jordan. i've been asked by my government to uh explore what these governments intend to do in order to reopen this international waterway to a situation united states to do sir, well i've come here really to find out what the united states intends. do us president lindon johnson asked israel not to start the war, this is exactly the same thing the ussr told his arab ally egypt to do, but egypt had already taken the first step by closing the straights of tidon on israeli ships, things really got bad when other arabs joined hands with abdul nasir and allied themselves with him in destroying israel. king hussein of jordan was a... first as