abir abusulayman: and go to the right here-- abir: i love it, i feel that it's the most beautiful partthe history of the area. i like to call myself a storyteller more than a tourist guide. samantha: while the country's on a moderate religious path under mbs, there are dangers for those who step out of line. samantha: there was a number of women in this country who fought for women's rights and for freedom for women, that paid a quite heavy price for that, were jailed, and--what do you, you know, feel about those women that tried very hard to-- abir: well, i wasn't among these ladies. i think these ladies took a step in advance without waiting what the government is going to do. they did not ask for what is happening now, they asked for less. and as you said, the price was not easy. we are a young country, we are just 89 years old, so we had the burden of these late 20 years that are changing now within two years. so--and i promise you in your next visit you will see more changes. it's coming, but--and when you slow in these changes, they will be genuine instead of being lost in what t