that gorbachev promised that if the north caucasians helped russia in the war against georgia in abkhazia, when many chechens fought and died, that they would create a north caucasian republic in the same way that they had been promised with lenin. this never came about. narrator: tired of broken promises, the chechens began a guerrilla war against the new russian state in 1994. another centrifugal force throughout the caucasus is religion. unlike most russians, a majority of the people here are muslims. and here, location is key. the caucusus rise on russia's southern borderlands, the northern edge of the islamic world. today, muslims here construct many new mosques. despite the violence in chechnya, islam, like dagestan, is multifaceted. when they go to a mosque, we think of them as being fundamentalist moslems, which is not the case. it's funny that we see russians going to churches and rebuilding churches, and this is called russian culture. but when a dagestani reincorporates part of islamic culture, now they're called "fundamentalist moslems." narrator: in dagestan, there are also c