multinationals would, under this approach, become more tractive acquisition targets for foreign abo ak acquisition reversion, the result is the same continued stripping of the u.s.-act base. it reminds me of an old joke. a drunk is looking for something understand a street light. a police officer walks up to him and asks, what is he looking for. the drunk says my keys. the police officer helps the drunk look for a few minutes and finally asks did you lose your keys here? the drunk said, no, i lost them across the street. the officer responds then why are you looking for them on this side of the street? and the drunk replies because the light is better over there -- over here. once again, the ultimate answer to this problem and the only way to completely address the issue of reversions is to reform our tax code. however, as i've also said publicly, there may be steps that congress can take to at least partially address this issue in the interim. while i don't support the anti-inversion bills we've seen thus far, i personally am open to considering alternative approaches. although i do h