. >> many israelis don't wwant t know abobout paltinians. they don't't want to rreach ou they don't want to cross into streets anand neighborhohoods the palelestinians live because of a mixture of stereotypes and so on. >> so we decided to go together to visit each other's neighborhoods. and i would talk to israelis and david would talk to palestinians, and together we would face the harsh realities of our shared land. >> growing up in the 1960's, the palestinians just weren't in the head of anyone. palestinians were different. we knew we had property and it was taken away from us by force. i remember distinctly remembering that this was the wall that separated the east and west jerusalem. and this was no man's land here. >> my family lived in jerusalem for centuries. in 1948 the state was pounded, and for the palestinians this time was called the catastrophe. like many palestinians, my father and his entire family were pushed out of their ancestral home. they moved to a small apartment in east jerusalem because the city was divided into a j