. >> we'll talk aboiran.ave offered a level of assistance, how can we trust them and their government. not their people. but their government. how can we trust them. >> they might say the same thing about us. at this point in history. it is time pragmatic about our allous including syria. the iranians never had an issue with us until the 'sechts and the shah and they know they have a problem with the majority of their population too young to remember that. they have a economic problem that would choke a horse and we have the answers to that. i am not saying unconditionally give in or trust them. you don't really trust anybody. there is rom there and they could be a big help. and finstance. their economy. and we can resolve that under the condition this they are not funding terrorism anymore. and cut the knees off hesbollah and half dozen other terrorist groups that the iowa fund. i think they would do that in a chance to be involved in this and international recognition. they are like syria isis is closer to