in actual official report that aboutitten by him him living conditions at the ford. talks about the different kinds of trees and the kinds of animals and fish that are available. this is important because it impacted how these men lived on this front tier. another was a man who had served ande years in the company as a longtime sioux falls resident, what life was like at the fort. about being able to go down to the fall. and talks about the company a commander. you get a sense of the great bounty. we use those counts. to take pictures of the forward. in 1868. in 1869.hotographer we get a sense of how that fort evolved over time. it left hind about 18 different structures in various sizes. the settlers started moving in. spent his first winter. as the new town developed from the buildings in the fort the materials reused. a log was secured in 1873. gentleman named ehrhardt. a german immigrant had been working in the brewing industry. he remained here in the area. he's the one who saves this. 1929 he donated it to the pettigrew museum. the army abandoned the post in ju