agl chief abraham foxman said. the siege human rights vigorously. we know that as head of the government to pursuit of human rights is not your only responsibility. concerns about security economic growth social cohesion foreign relations in domestic politics. all coexist and sometimes compete with concerns about human rights for that very reason. you clear commitment to promoting human rights. and a privileged position you accord to their protection distinguishes you and make you such a highly deserving recipient of this prize folks and praise not go for recognizing the significance of biblical jewish rituals bhopal showed that a majority of germans disapproved of circumcision you stood by your conviction and your commitment. or is you know. without the right up to perform this ritual one that is central to jewish faith and university practised by jewish community there would be no future for in germany and germany would become human right the adl was a one hundred and one year old us organization concerned with the promotion of jewish human rights