elliott abrams went on further to say that the chair that washington and lincoln sat in, that trump wasn'tin it. it was very, very personal with regards. he was a never trumper. even in the end when donald trump was a nominee, elliott abrams was still a never trumper, and i just don't see a never trumper, maybe they should never be in the state department. i think particularly since they don't agree with president trump's vision of nation building is a mistake, regime change is a mistake, iraq war was a mistake, elliott abrams was one of the chief architects of the iraq war. also, he was convicted of lying to congress. we have to have people that will listen and understand that they work for the people and that they work under the direction of the congress. no war is to be initiated without the approval of congress. that's in the constitution. yet, elliott abrams was involved in covert wars, supplying weapons, taking money from the sultan of brunei, buying weapons and selling weapons in iran, and then taking the proceeds of that and giving it to authoritarians in nicaragua. it's scary that