and look jack abramoff is a name that actually has not come up here.he's the picture of modern disgrace in washington, right? the disgraced lobbyist. one of the many books i read in preparing this book was his memoir, which he wrote, i think, largely i don't know if he wrote it in prison. but i think a lot of it was probably derived from his ruminations in prison. he told about how he knew as a lobbyists, he would have all these relationships with people on the hill, people in the white house, people-elected officials. and at a certain point, they would say, "hey, you know what congressman x? or you know what, staffer x? you're really good at this. when you're done -- have you thought about what you're going to do when you leave the hill?" and they'd say, "well, not really." or they would just sort of leave the question open. and jack abramoff said, "i knew that when i could ask that question, i owned him." because there's a pre-emptive bribe there. it's -- you know, "you're going to be making maybe a million dollars at my lobbying firm, if you answer