additional support is proved by the abrams foundation, committed to excellence in journalism. e pa foundation, dedicated to heightening public awareness of critical issues. and by the frontline journalism fund, with major support from jon and jo ann hagler. support for "growing upoor in america" is provided by wnet's chasing the dream initiative on poverty and opportunity in america, with nding by thepb foundation. ♪ >> now, the governor of io ordered all schools in the state to close for three weeks. >> governor ordering schools k through 12 to go on an extended spring break. >> we have to do everything that we can to slow down,tq uh, the spread, uh, of, of this virus. >> now that he's made that decision, what exactly is this three-week break gonna look like? well, that really depends on where your kid goes to school. >> my name is shawn, 13 and i live in the plains, ohio. coronavirus scares me. i know it's really dangerous. potentially deadly, probably. we're trying our best to not, like, have it come in here. we use disinfecting wipes to wipe down the knobs, the lightss tha