patrick's day, tequila is for cinco de mayo and absinthe is for martin luther king day.ughter) trust me, you drink enough and you will have a dream. (laughter) and vodka... vodka is a russian drink. their big holiday isn't christmas it's easter. and it makes sense because if you down enough of this swill it is going to rise again. (laughter) we'll be right back. (cheers and applause) (cheers and applause). >> stephen: welcome back, everybody! thank you very much! (cheers and applause) oh, such fun. folks, my guests tonight are a north african refugee band so their living conditions are slightly better than most american bands. please welcome tinariwen! (cheers and applause) gentlemen, ma'am, thank you so much for joining us. now, i've got to make some introductions here first. starting off we've got our old friends from t.v. on the radio tip and tonday, good to see you guys. (applause) i'm glad to see you're still winning the beard battle. (laughter) this is lola. lola you will be translating for us snowed. >> yes. >> stephen: all right, you'll be translated for tuami, i