and among those were bits of information that led to abu akmed al-cue wady leading to osama bin laden. they are saying, well look this was not actionable information. no, but the information we got was critical to ultimately finding the individuals and blocking them. >> a final quick word from you on the dangers of getting - i know you believe the report needed to come out, as i know senator mccain and dianne fienstein believed it should. now we have warnings to domestic law enforcement, across the world to american facilities are you not concerned about the risk? >> i'm not. they should have thought about national security and the harm in the middle east back to when they architected and carried out, justified and destroyed evidence of and defended these programs, number one. number two the report has been out and we have seen no disruptive plots in the middle east, and all the fear-mongering that went on preceding the release of the report. finally i urge mr grenier to read the report and the footnotes, which meticulously documented contraried pretty much everything he said on the p