who does not know muhammad abu bakr says to muawiya. who does not know that ali was in the most difficult and scary situation he sacrificed himself to the prophet. when. everyone is afraid or hesitant. ali was neither afraid nor hesitant . ali had no equal. now the matter has reached a point where you, mu'awiya, have brought yourself next to ali, you are placing yourself across from ali. you formed two poles against ali. then he enumerates the virtues of amir al-mu'minin, ali bin abi talib, that ali is this, this, this, this in terms of science, practice, morality, history, courage, and spirituality. then muhammad abu bakr. he says to muawiya, this is ali , but you and your father are both cursed . you were cursed by god and his prophet. he says to muawiya, you and your father abu sufyan wanted the flag of islam to be always lowered pull and extinguish the light of the holy prophet, you always wanted to light the flames of war , pull your fuse up and lower the light of god , your father is dead now. when sufyan died, even though he appa