for this reason, when abu husayn is faced with a lack of supplies, there is no other choice but to prioritizeeople. some of the pilgrims , i gave them the food of al-shabaab in their nest, there was little water, but there was little food there is no flour on the street, there is no meat, there is no market in the street, there is cheese, my planet is 200 kilos, 150 kilos, it is easy to get food , go to the goose, goose, goose , wasamon , etc. al-sunn al-tabaan, but al-shabab does not give, but how much do i say to him, do not give, how much do i say to him, do not give to him, do not give to him , do not give to me. that night, according to the available facilities and the large number of people , we were not among the priorities of abu hossein abu hossein was able to accommodate only women and children . women are there in al-qa'iyya al-kabeera, there is also a big room in it, which means shower and wafiha , which means toilet facilities for women, food, and women's crew , which means a family of attendants, and also there is a house for women to go out for pilgrimages. for women , for wome