the first serious tests in over fifteen years the accuracy and reliability of electronic voting abulafia in computers own to run by private corporations so will we find out what we all suspect that republicans stole another election here in america and offer some insight as a man's insights and answers to this brad friedman founder and publisher of brad blog dot com brad great to see you again welcome. hey tom good so to what extent is this recount in wisconsin going to be. what actually let me let me just set this up in wisconsin the way that they vote is and correct me if i'm if i have this wrong is you mark a ballot by you know by by pencil or pen or whatever and then that ballot is read by a machine that is owned by a private corporation the private corporation takes the data from the machine puts it into computers calculators whatnot those get aggregated into a giant tabulator and the secretary of state or the local county whatever but it's will there be a hand count of those pieces of paper or are they simply going to run the same paper through the same machines and say well gee lo