abush, watch, the queen on his feet makes friends at the age of 15.xurious 15 hveli is expected to betray the guard at the post, the shatyrs of the people, two lads and the bear's ears in the team are a joy, a mustache with a mustache to wash the hoods, after allah you put up in a leather guard from the signs igor mikhailovich shikalov lieutenant colonel of the ostauci generation of the military headquarters of the post of memory at the spray of the fortress hero demanding before everyone, but snotty, but the commander from the joy of mickins, there were 167 posts with the collapse of the soviet union, today there are about fifty in our republic, only three are minsk mogilev and the brest fortress permanently operating our post is the longest senior post, because the first the post was formed in stalingrad in the sixty-fifth year, but after the collapse of the soviet union from the ninety-first to 2007 , it did not function. and even at that time we did not stop our activities thanks to the veteran organization administration of our city. on the field