Jul 28, 2017
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proponiendo ponerle mi nombre a la academia.> y quiÉn nos va a querer a ti y a mÍ? >> mariano, mi amor, lamento decirte que tengo un retraso. >> no te preocupes, mi vida, siempre lo he sabido y te quiero igual. >> cariÑo, despierta! la casa se estÁ quemando! >> tranquila, no grites porque se va a despertar tu mamÁ. >> me gusta, me gusta! le puso nombre y todo! >> amor, llegaste tan temprano del trabajo! >> mi compaÑero, el gervasio, se cayÓ del andamio y se murió. la empresa le va a dar 250.000! >> y por quÉ no te fuiste de la mano con tu compaÑero? alan: tenemos futuro o no tenemos futuro, don eric? >> mucho! >> ya tenemos becas todos. cÓmo serÍa su personaje en el barrio chinche? eric: me costarÍa trabajo hacerlo. alan: gracias, nuevamente un placer. >> mucho Éxito como lo estÁn teniendo. ♪ ¿sabes por qué te tocó ser el árbol? ...porque soy alto !sí! pero también porque los árboles son fuertes, como tú. tú los ayudas a crecer. por eso también, les das leche y sus nueve nutrientes esenciales. leche, alimentando en grande cada d
proponiendo ponerle mi nombre a la academia.> y quiÉn nos va a querer a ti y a mÍ? >> mariano, mi amor, lamento decirte que tengo un retraso. >> no te preocupes, mi vida, siempre lo he sabido y te quiero igual. >> cariÑo, despierta! la casa se estÁ quemando! >> tranquila, no grites porque se va a despertar tu mamÁ. >> me gusta, me gusta! le puso nombre y todo! >> amor, llegaste tan temprano del trabajo! >> mi compaÑero, el gervasio, se cayÓ...
Jul 14, 2017
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i think colleges are the most liberal institution in america is academia.s newsroom" is a close second. academia is number one on the left wing cultural list, and a republican who sees that and who takes advantage of that, i think we'll have an issue to run on. >> bill: interesting point. bernie, thank you. bernie goldberg, there he is. we will see him again. >> shannon: severe thunderstorms moving through the midwest burning heavy rain, flash floods, mandatory evacuations now underway in central ohio with high routers surrounding homes near columbus. additional rainfall is expected this weekend making matters worse were already flooding is a major issue. in illinois, home owners are doing what the hand to keep rising water from creeping in. >> unfortunately, i slept. i couldn't keep my eyes open. i want to sit and keep guard. >> it is what it is. can't fight mother nature. >> is it winning? >> so far. >> shannon: approaching a near record a level of areas may not crest until next week. >> bill: in the meantime, we are getting at here in the east. look outs
i think colleges are the most liberal institution in america is academia.s newsroom" is a close second. academia is number one on the left wing cultural list, and a republican who sees that and who takes advantage of that, i think we'll have an issue to run on. >> bill: interesting point. bernie, thank you. bernie goldberg, there he is. we will see him again. >> shannon: severe thunderstorms moving through the midwest burning heavy rain, flash floods, mandatory evacuations now...
Jul 10, 2017
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en datos de la academia nacional de medicina de mÉxico, la osteoporosis afecta a millones de personasda lugar a efectos secundarios. reportera: segÚn los estudiantes, este mÉtodo disminuye los costos quirÚrgicos hasta en un 60%, y tambiÉn podrÁ ser utilizado en cualquier tipo de fractura. fÉlix: y ahora, desde univisiÓn deporte, ella nos trae el debut de mÉxico en la copa oro. presentadora: continÚa la actividad de la copa oro y mÉxico debutÓ en el certamen, con esto arrancamos la informaciÓn deportiva. vayamos entonces a san diego, siete minutos despuÉs dde que empezÓ el partido mÉxico abriÓ el marcador, ppero sÓlo dos minutos mÁs tarde nelson bonilla se encargaba de dar el empate para la selecta. y mÁs tarde, elÍas hernÁndez con un zapatazo. al minuto 55, ya con pineda en el campo, mÉxico marcÓ el tercero de la noche, de esa manera consiguieron sus tres primeras unidades en el torneo, escuchemos reacciones. >> el grupo tenÍa mucha confianza, hoy se hizo un buen partido, el equipo mostrÓ los argumentos necesarios para llevarse el triunfo. nos vamos contentos. presentadora: curazao se
en datos de la academia nacional de medicina de mÉxico, la osteoporosis afecta a millones de personasda lugar a efectos secundarios. reportera: segÚn los estudiantes, este mÉtodo disminuye los costos quirÚrgicos hasta en un 60%, y tambiÉn podrÁ ser utilizado en cualquier tipo de fractura. fÉlix: y ahora, desde univisiÓn deporte, ella nos trae el debut de mÉxico en la copa oro. presentadora: continÚa la actividad de la copa oro y mÉxico debutÓ en el certamen, con esto arrancamos la...
Jul 20, 2017
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marÍa: la academia de verano da la oportunidad de aumentar y acelerar las habilidades de ciencias, tecnologÍal colegio se concentra en adiestrar personas para esos grados. para que cuando salgan de aquÍ puedan tener trabajo. marÍa: muchos de los estudiantes nos tienden a descubrir sus habilidades a tiempo. el programa les da la guÍa para saber si la profesiÓn que han elegido es realmente adecuada. >> el programa va exponiendo estas profesiones, cÓmo se llevan a cabo. entonces, se van descubriendo a ellos mismos. me gusta esto o no me gusta esto. marÍa: explorar oportunidades de carreras y aprender en laboratorios es algo que no todos los estudiantes pueden tener acceso. >> por ejemplo, se puede ir al laboratorio de anatomÍa donde estÁn los cadáveres. usualmente, sÓlo los estudiantes de medicina tienen acceso. marÍa: tambiÉn cuentan con consejerÍa con profesionales del campo de interÉs. >> a mÍ me ayudaron a enfocarme en mi carrera. me recuerda las razones por la que estoy aquÍ por quÉ quiero estudiar medicina. marÍa: se espera que este tipo de talleres continÚan en los prÓximos aÑos. ha demos
marÍa: la academia de verano da la oportunidad de aumentar y acelerar las habilidades de ciencias, tecnologÍal colegio se concentra en adiestrar personas para esos grados. para que cuando salgan de aquÍ puedan tener trabajo. marÍa: muchos de los estudiantes nos tienden a descubrir sus habilidades a tiempo. el programa les da la guÍa para saber si la profesiÓn que han elegido es realmente adecuada. >> el programa va exponiendo estas profesiones, cÓmo se llevan a cabo. entonces, se...
Jul 25, 2017
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de acuerdo a un estudio de la academia americana de pediatrÍa en investigaciÓn utilizaron pictogramaos padres tienen preguntas acuden a los farmacistas. ilia: ya estÁ con nosotros nuestro compaÑero hugo con un adelanto de una historia que verÁn esta noche a las 11:00. hugo: les cuento que es una estarÍamos particular. la bicicleta es el medio de transporte masivo mÁs grande del mundo sus usuarios son millones. las usan como transporte, recreaciÓn y de forma competitiva, su uso conlleva percances mecÁnicos. encontramos un mecÁnico de bicicletas. no hay problema mecÁnico grande. hoy a las 11:00 representaremos la primera parte de nuestro especial "el otro lado de la bicicleta", espero que nos acompaÑan. ilia: no se retire, regresamos con mÁs despuÉs de la pausa. ilia: al regresar, toda la acciÓn deportiva. ♪ ♪ ana: maÑana se juega la final de la copa oro. ramsÉs tiene el reporte del team usa. ramsÉs: en los primeros cuatro partidos de la copa oro, el coach le dio inicio a 27 de 29 futbolistas. 9 diferentes jugadores anotaron para el equipo de arena. seguramente querrÁ alinear el mejor
de acuerdo a un estudio de la academia americana de pediatrÍa en investigaciÓn utilizaron pictogramaos padres tienen preguntas acuden a los farmacistas. ilia: ya estÁ con nosotros nuestro compaÑero hugo con un adelanto de una historia que verÁn esta noche a las 11:00. hugo: les cuento que es una estarÍamos particular. la bicicleta es el medio de transporte masivo mÁs grande del mundo sus usuarios son millones. las usan como transporte, recreaciÓn y de forma competitiva, su uso conlleva...
Jul 30, 2017
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the relationship between is not and academia unusual. they often collaborate to do esearch on drugs and do drug testing. in order to even do economic reports but the difference here you have such a tight elationship with industry that there is a question of a potential for bias. you 's the question of are touting the industry's point of nonbiased ting your academic point of view? the public has the right to question that and to know that. would you go so far as to say some academics and colleges have are forut themselves up salor the use of pharmaceutical industry? some academics have put themselves up for sale. there is a growing trend of for hire where maybe they are not making enough money funding through their university and so they are turning to other sources. always welcomes academics. they welcome academics that can the air of prestige. >> what is the most egregious or what you think is an inappropriate collaboration between a pharmaceutical academic world? >> one example that i focused on many at of the academics of whom are eco
the relationship between is not and academia unusual. they often collaborate to do esearch on drugs and do drug testing. in order to even do economic reports but the difference here you have such a tight elationship with industry that there is a question of a potential for bias. you 's the question of are touting the industry's point of nonbiased ting your academic point of view? the public has the right to question that and to know that. would you go so far as to say some academics and...
Jul 30, 2017
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when i mention it, especially when i mention it to colleagues in academia they say, oh my god. we lost you. [laughter] michal: and it is very bad. but what i think they keep forgetting is in fact humans are great at predicting intimate traits, determining intimate traits of other people based on their faces. we are so good at it that we kind of do not realize we are doing it all the time. let me give you an example. -- is an intimate traits, gender. emotions are intimate psychological traits. we can very quickly detect other people's emotions just buy a quick glimpse on their face, even when they are trying to hide that emotion we are still able to detect it. think about race. like about genetic issues, there are certain disorders we can recognize by looking at some base face. -- someone's face. another genetic expression of genes is recognizing that somebody is the child of somebody else. when you say, you look like your father, you are actually saying i see through your face your genome. i see it is similar to the genome of this other guy, and he seems to be your father. it i
when i mention it, especially when i mention it to colleagues in academia they say, oh my god. we lost you. [laughter] michal: and it is very bad. but what i think they keep forgetting is in fact humans are great at predicting intimate traits, determining intimate traits of other people based on their faces. we are so good at it that we kind of do not realize we are doing it all the time. let me give you an example. -- is an intimate traits, gender. emotions are intimate psychological traits....
Jul 13, 2017
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como parte de nuestra iniciativa "apoyando a nuestras escuelas" telemundo 48 se vino hoy para la academiavacaciones de verano para continuar aprendiendo. un programa con muy buena nota. pkg teresa cesatti/maestra "es bsicamente un programa que hace robots usando matemtica, ciencia, tecnologa e ingeniera y ayuda a los niÑos a aprender y est divertido porque no saben que estn aprendiendo, es como un juego para ellos. --y mientras juegan, adquieren conocimiento y destrezas. herramientas que en ida jew academy esperan que vayan ms all de solo el aprendizaje individual y para ello se han trazado un objetivo claro. teresa cesatti/maestra "es que aprendan a trabajar juntos, a resolver problemas, a usar tecnologa, es muchas cosas --y todo parece indicar que ese ideal est cumpliendo su cometido. estrella sanchez/estudiant e "lo que aprendo es que si hacemos un robot y hago un error, en el segundo robot puedo hacerlo ms mejor" --de eso se trata! de aprender y mejorar en el camino.. y es que este programa que forma parte de la oferta de verano del centro educativo ida jew academy cuenta con la aprob
como parte de nuestra iniciativa "apoyando a nuestras escuelas" telemundo 48 se vino hoy para la academiavacaciones de verano para continuar aprendiendo. un programa con muy buena nota. pkg teresa cesatti/maestra "es bsicamente un programa que hace robots usando matemtica, ciencia, tecnologa e ingeniera y ayuda a los niÑos a aprender y est divertido porque no saben que estn aprendiendo, es como un juego para ellos. --y mientras juegan, adquieren conocimiento y destrezas....
Jul 29, 2017
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that pension but she is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people from considering academiand that they wa nt to that with some freedom and that they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has a lwa ys understand. and the pension has always been historically something nice that goes with the job. because academics are not as well—paid as the fat cats in the city. pension state m e nts the fat cats in the city. pension statements are just a snapshot of the health or otherwise of their schemes. they go down or up. but for on campuses throughout the uk, clever solutions will have to be found. much more to come without # throughout the evening. now news where you. looking pretty soggy. in lowestoft, the rain will reach you later on. a wet and breezy night. most of the rain will be across southern areas. this front is approaching from the south and going across the english channel. the rain bearing cloud is affecting south—western counties. by the time we get to seven o'clock, most of the heavy rain will be in the south—west and southern wales. across the
that pension but she is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people from considering academiand that they wa nt to that with some freedom and that they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has a lwa ys understand. and the pension has always been historically something nice that goes with the job. because academics are not as well—paid as the fat cats in the city. pension state m e nts the fat cats in the city. pension statements are just a snapshot of the...
Jul 27, 2017
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we cannot just particularly the nhs, care sector, academia...e in the cabinet who say we want to stop free movement from the 29th of march 2019. that is what brandon lewis, the minister immigration said this morning. so it is quite complicated because there are these conflicting tensions between control and also recognising what effect it might have on the economy. all of adds to theissue have on the economy. all of adds to the issue of uncertainty, which is something everyone says is helpful to know one. we have already seen the number of registrations to be a nurse have dropped by 96%. we have already seen a drop in the number of migrants coming to this country, of about 80 6000. so the reality is, already having —— uncertainty is already having —— uncertainty is already having —— uncertainty is already having an effect. for those who pointed leave, the answer is that great because we are taking back control. but on taking back control, it‘s difficult. people think taking back control thinks taking back control of the border. in fact border co
we cannot just particularly the nhs, care sector, academia...e in the cabinet who say we want to stop free movement from the 29th of march 2019. that is what brandon lewis, the minister immigration said this morning. so it is quite complicated because there are these conflicting tensions between control and also recognising what effect it might have on the economy. all of adds to theissue have on the economy. all of adds to the issue of uncertainty, which is something everyone says is helpful...
eye 35
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donald trump's leadership to try to drain the swamp and by that elitist crony relationships among academia media etc that's going to take a little time and it's indeed quite ironic to watch now in two thousand and seventeen american left site russia under putin is the enemy when during the soviet regime it was the american left that you know leaned toward favor of what was going on in the soviet union so it seems that there's a lot of animist between donald trump and the swamp and in particular the mainstream media so you know please bear with us as we don't don't believe much of what you read in the mainstream media because a lot of it is fake news on substance and trump is a man of substance and his team is a remarkable team of men and women of substance they see the potential they see the opportunities they don't like to talk they like to act and they have been acting and i think there's a lot that donald trump and mr putin can do together that their teams can do together for the benefit of our respective nations in the world. just finally child on a political issue you know the economi
donald trump's leadership to try to drain the swamp and by that elitist crony relationships among academia media etc that's going to take a little time and it's indeed quite ironic to watch now in two thousand and seventeen american left site russia under putin is the enemy when during the soviet regime it was the american left that you know leaned toward favor of what was going on in the soviet union so it seems that there's a lot of animist between donald trump and the swamp and in particular...
Jul 30, 2017
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paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academiaple that go into academicjobs often do it because they want to teach, or they want to do research or they want to do both, and they want to do that with some freedom, and they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has, historically, always been something nice that goes with thejob. because academics aren't as well paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension statements are just a snapshot of the health or otherwise of their schemes. they go down and, in this case, up, but for everyone on campuses throughout the uk, clever solutions will have to be found for clever people. joe lynam, bbc news. now on bbc news, it's the travel show. coming up: we are taking a trip through pakistan's biggest city on a bus. this might be a bit crazy along the way. we are looking at dolphins in india from a paddle board. wow, did you see that one? that was right behind me. and we are crossing the great canadian prairie on a train. hello and welcome to the travel show wit
paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academiaple that go into academicjobs often do it because they want to teach, or they want to do research or they want to do both, and they want to do that with some freedom, and they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has, historically, always been something nice that goes with thejob. because academics aren't as well paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city....
Jul 30, 2017
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paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academiahat go into academicjobs often do it because they want to teach, or they want to do research or they want to do both, and they want to do that with some freedom, and they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has, historically, always been something nice that goes with thejob. because academics aren't as well paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension statements are just a snapshot of the health or otherwise of their schemes. they go down and, in this case, up, but for everyone on campuses throughout the uk, clever solutions will have to be found for clever people. met police have issued a warning that criminals are increasingly using the bank accounts of young children and students to launder stolen or illegally—acquired money. they say parents need to be aware of what's going on. according to fraud prevention service cifas, the number of frauds involving people under 21 has almost doubled in the last year. south korea says it will speed up the d
paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academiahat go into academicjobs often do it because they want to teach, or they want to do research or they want to do both, and they want to do that with some freedom, and they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has, historically, always been something nice that goes with thejob. because academics aren't as well paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension...
Jul 7, 2017
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think that's how researchers are doing and it's all under little lies in academia. you recruit a bunch of people over time and it takes months to set up a new do a few small experiments over 30 or 60 people were academia could move his they could use digital tools to run a thousand experiments say this is what we found i think that would make science move faster but i haven't seen it done. >> let's go over here. >> hello. i'm jonathan i'm curious, you talk about wasting google data. how is it biased? obviously there's going to be a bias built-in, but when you're looking at a google transport, any unusual ways that we perhaps don't think that it is biased. not represent to the general population. >> there are a lot of random situations that you find when you do it more and more. one thing i found as i was doing the research and using google trend data and it goes with what people search. african-americans are searched in more areas where there's high african-american populations. one thing i found is a c tends to be an outlier. one of the residents of d.c. tend to be
think that's how researchers are doing and it's all under little lies in academia. you recruit a bunch of people over time and it takes months to set up a new do a few small experiments over 30 or 60 people were academia could move his they could use digital tools to run a thousand experiments say this is what we found i think that would make science move faster but i haven't seen it done. >> let's go over here. >> hello. i'm jonathan i'm curious, you talk about wasting google data....
Jul 29, 2017
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paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academias often do it because they want to teach, or they want to do research or they want to do both, and they want to do that with some freedom, and they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has, historically, always been something nice that goes with thejob. because academics aren't as well paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension statements are just a snapshot of the health or otherwise of their schemes. they go down and, in this case, up, but for everyone on campuses throughout the uk, clever solutions will have to be found for clever people. joe lynam, bbc news. pakistan's ousted prime minister nawaz sharif has named his brother as his successor. mr sharif was forced to resign as prime minister yesterday over corruption allegations. his brother, shahbaz, is currently the chief minister of punjab province. but he won't be able to take over straight away, as our south asia correspondent justin rowlatt reports from islamabad. rain lashed down as the
paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academias often do it because they want to teach, or they want to do research or they want to do both, and they want to do that with some freedom, and they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has, historically, always been something nice that goes with thejob. because academics aren't as well paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension statements are just a...
Jul 29, 2017
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paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academiaademicjobs often do it because they want to teach, or they want to do research or they want to do both, and they want to do that with some freedom, and they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has, historically, always been something nice that goes with the job. because academics aren't as well paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension statements are just a snapshot of the health or otherwise of their schemes. they go down and, in this case, up, but for everyone on campuses throughout the uk, clever solutions will have to be found for clever people. joe lynam, bbc news. tomorrow in venezuela a key vote takes place to elect an assembly with broad powers to rewrite the country's constitution. critics of president nicholas maduro say it's nothing more than a power grab. the oil rich nation is mired in economic crisis and violent demonstrations which began in april have left more than 100 people dead. 0ur south america correspondent, katy watson, h
paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academiaademicjobs often do it because they want to teach, or they want to do research or they want to do both, and they want to do that with some freedom, and they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has, historically, always been something nice that goes with the job. because academics aren't as well paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension statements are...
Jul 29, 2017
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paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academia go into academicjobs often do it because they want to teach, or they want to do research or they want to do both, and they want to do that with some freedom, and they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has, historically, always been something nice that goes with the job. because academics aren't as well paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension statements are just a snapshot of the health or otherwise of their schemes. they go down and, in this case, up, but for everyone on campuses throughout the uk, clever solutions will have to be found for clever people. joe lynam, bbc news. a little earlier i was joined by labour peer lord adonis, who advised tony blair on tuition fees. he says vice chancellors have serious questions to answer. this has happened at the same time as the explosion of pay for vice chancellors. there are a range of different options for dealing with the deficit. it is a death concerning future liabilities to it doesn't immed
paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academia go into academicjobs often do it because they want to teach, or they want to do research or they want to do both, and they want to do that with some freedom, and they want to explore and investigate and understand. and the pension has, historically, always been something nice that goes with the job. because academics aren't as well paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension...
Jul 29, 2017
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paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academiait because they want to teach all go into research. —— people that go into. and they want to do that with them freedom. and that they want to explore and investigate and understands. and the pension has historically always been something nice that goes with the job. because academics had as well—paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension statements are just a snapshot of health or otherwise of schemes. they go down and, in this case, up. but everyone on uk campuses, clever solutions will have to be found for clever people. with isis crossbench peer lord adonis report who helped increase tuition fees to £3000 a year as head of the policy unit under tony blair. —— the crossbench peer. how acceptable do you think it is that tuition fees will have to be skimmed off to fill this gap? this is a very serious case of mismanagement on the bus half of england's vice chancellors. some big questions will need to be asked about the management of the scheme, but there is no reason that
paid from that pension but is worried that a less generous scheme might deter people considering academiait because they want to teach all go into research. —— people that go into. and they want to do that with them freedom. and that they want to explore and investigate and understands. and the pension has historically always been something nice that goes with the job. because academics had as well—paid as all these sort of fat cats in the city. pension statements are just a snapshot of...
Jul 28, 2017
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intelligent men of academia are going to appreciate this outfit. where the hell is "academia?"p. rated r. searching for answers may feel overwhelming. so start your search with our teams of specialists at cancer treatment centers of america. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at cancercenter.com/experts mawhen it comes to helping. her daughter, shopping for groceries, unclogging the sink, setting up dentist appointments and planning birthday parties, nobody does it better. she's also in a rock band. look at her shred. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately for maria, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she's getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. at almond breeze, wein our almondmilk.ondsrown and we're proud of that. but the whole "care-and-nurturing" part? that idea... ...we borrowed from the experts. blue diamond almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. my, what big rims you have... my, what bright eyes you have.
intelligent men of academia are going to appreciate this outfit. where the hell is "academia?"p. rated r. searching for answers may feel overwhelming. so start your search with our teams of specialists at cancer treatment centers of america. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at cancercenter.com/experts mawhen it comes to helping. her daughter, shopping for groceries, unclogging the sink, setting up dentist appointments and planning birthday parties, nobody does it...
eye 29
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institutions in american society have a braced authoritarianism as decisively in recent years as academia there you know where helicoptered millennial is increasingly get their first taste of independence since two thousand at least two hundred forty campaigns have been launched at universities to prevent appearances by public figures most of which have occurred since two thousand and nine behind these authoritarian efforts are an army of quote chief diversity officer is seventy five of whom have been hired between two thousand and fifteen and twenty sixteen at colleges and universities their mandate train students against quote subtle insults quote environmental microaggression zx and micro invalidations in this insurgence of political correctness new york magazine columnist jonathan chait sees not simply a rigorous commitment to social quality but rather an undemocratic creed and a system of leftwing ideological repression well professors are naturally paranoid because they can't believe they get paid especially to do nothing but if you want to look into the future i suggest rent the mo
institutions in american society have a braced authoritarianism as decisively in recent years as academia there you know where helicoptered millennial is increasingly get their first taste of independence since two thousand at least two hundred forty campaigns have been launched at universities to prevent appearances by public figures most of which have occurred since two thousand and nine behind these authoritarian efforts are an army of quote chief diversity officer is seventy five of whom...
Jul 22, 2017
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i think that whole model of a rational economic actor has been phrase in academia but the whole idea of behavior economics, we are not rational, we are all crazy and the idea that you can model an economy based on rational act there's is voodoo. >> steve i would have thought the best examples of egregious ceo pay were in private companies rather than public companies and you are saying that these egregious pay levels in public companies were one is stealing from shareholders and the other is a big gap from the shareholder which seems to be the match -- much bigger problem because the shareholder does have the ability to change ceo pay. not easy but the reason the private equity claims, one big reason they claim to be successful this because they can properly compensate a really talented ceo and they do think of ceos more like lebron james been an interchangeable none that in the accounting department. >> i addressed that in the book and the one place i have seen huge ceo pay workers in private equity and the reason is you all know the company is going to be sold. when you have a sing
i think that whole model of a rational economic actor has been phrase in academia but the whole idea of behavior economics, we are not rational, we are all crazy and the idea that you can model an economy based on rational act there's is voodoo. >> steve i would have thought the best examples of egregious ceo pay were in private companies rather than public companies and you are saying that these egregious pay levels in public companies were one is stealing from shareholders and the other...
Jul 10, 2017
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has swung way over, and i think that the public is getting loud of that bologna that comes out of academia how. >> this democrats taking down president trump's children, this time for sitting in a chair and having a conversation, at the g20. ... ♪ hey, i'm the internet! i know a bunch of people who would love that. the internet loves what you're doing... ...so build a better website in under an hour with... ...gocentral from godaddy. the internet is waiting. start for free today at godaddy. trish: president's children under fire from the liberal left. nobody is safe. that is coming up, ivanka and don jr., next. trish: democrats are getting desperate. they are trying to undermine trump's children, ivanka is being bashed for holding a seat at a g20 meeting, despite being a white house employee and involved in the issue he was talking about at the g20. and don jr., for talking to a russian lawyer. adam, i read the story. it came out in "new york times," i saw that headline, i thought it was going to be good. i thought they were going to deliver on something. instead, it seemed much more the s
has swung way over, and i think that the public is getting loud of that bologna that comes out of academia how. >> this democrats taking down president trump's children, this time for sitting in a chair and having a conversation, at the g20. ... ♪ hey, i'm the internet! i know a bunch of people who would love that. the internet loves what you're doing... ...so build a better website in under an hour with... ...gocentral from godaddy. the internet is waiting. start for free today at...
Jul 13, 2017
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. >> you think they'd be applauding him for taking his progressive ideas outside the bubble of academiand coming on a network where there aren't as many progressives watching pretty think they would applaud that thing and getting outside of his own bubble. but now. we see that this is a real problem. this is -- i think if more people understood what the money was going towards they'd be a limit more concerned about this, in the schools try to cover it up. the administration wanted no part of this getting into the news. they threw their hands up, nothing to see here. when people see it they freaked out. the president came out this week and admitted that they have seen a noticeable decrease in the number of students applying to evergreen college. >> tucker: market forces will fix this, and parents don't have to be passive and don't take your kids to a school that will hurt them. whenever he sees some outburst like this on a campus, riot, demonstration, the ministers almost always responds by saying we're going to hire more diversity officers. more administrators who are going to focus on
. >> you think they'd be applauding him for taking his progressive ideas outside the bubble of academiand coming on a network where there aren't as many progressives watching pretty think they would applaud that thing and getting outside of his own bubble. but now. we see that this is a real problem. this is -- i think if more people understood what the money was going towards they'd be a limit more concerned about this, in the schools try to cover it up. the administration wanted no part...
Jul 13, 2017
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i can redefine collusion as the collusion between the media, academia, and the entertainment industry, who have been trying to brainwash us for decades over the dumbest ideologies. we've been victims of collisions all of our lives. the narrative here is that the trump presidency is in disarray. that's what we know. that's what we elected. we are okay with disarray. we elected somebody because they don't have experience in politics. therefore, he's surrounded by people are not adept at controlling the narrative. maybe that's their fault and maybe donald should have known better but the bottom line is this: if you wanted this not to happen, you could have had a rubio, john kasich. >> dana: you would probably have clinton. >> kimberly: and now we have less isis. >> greg: you have the good. it's a phenomenon. trump is a phenomenon. if you are seeing things happen like isis. the downside is, you are going to have this stuff going on forever because they don't know how to deal with it because they are not insiders. you elected an outsider. this is not a bug in the system. this is the system
i can redefine collusion as the collusion between the media, academia, and the entertainment industry, who have been trying to brainwash us for decades over the dumbest ideologies. we've been victims of collisions all of our lives. the narrative here is that the trump presidency is in disarray. that's what we know. that's what we elected. we are okay with disarray. we elected somebody because they don't have experience in politics. therefore, he's surrounded by people are not adept at...
Jul 16, 2017
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i've been fighting it all my life of from media, academia and hollywood. you want collusion?mate change journalism, look at the news coverage on law enforcement, look at how conservatives are demonized across pop culture. you want with collusion? watch how academics, reporters and celebrities. you invented it! because every day there's a smoking gun x and in two days it goes up in smoke. but the press keeps overselling their product, exhausting the public. could you imagine cnn and msnbc being this intense over benghazi, fast and furious, the irs scandal, the doj scandal, loretta lynch's tarmac visit, hillary's secret server, the clinton foundation shenanigans? i could go on. [laughter] i could go on, and i will, nothing will ever come close to ted kennedy meeting with the kgb to meet ronald reagan in 12984. -- 1984. if it worked, we would still have the ussr. instead now, thanks to reagan, we have a smaller, far less scary russia, and that's the big joke here. the dems used the root for the russians against us. when the ussr was deadly and wanted us dead. and now decades lat
i've been fighting it all my life of from media, academia and hollywood. you want collusion?mate change journalism, look at the news coverage on law enforcement, look at how conservatives are demonized across pop culture. you want with collusion? watch how academics, reporters and celebrities. you invented it! because every day there's a smoking gun x and in two days it goes up in smoke. but the press keeps overselling their product, exhausting the public. could you imagine cnn and msnbc being...
Jul 17, 2017
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by the national security state and how is it different than that funded by civil institutions or academia or industry and why should we care about the difference. well i think that question is even more relevant today. i've given several versions of this talk over the past few months of the book came out and each time i give the talk i've been thinking more and more about what's going on today in the country and the relevancy-- relevancy of what i have examined. irish a leash chose the selection because it up is our notion of darpa is a technology agency because it looks at eight to to of darpa history in the vietnam war when they were moving beyond technology to the social sciences and behavioral sciences and the role of the pentagon of the social sciences, but i think it's especially relevant today as we see debates in the country about proposed cuts to science in this civilian institution meeting the national institute of health and at the same time we see a proposal to increase funding for the military and defense department. traditionally when funding for the defense department is in
by the national security state and how is it different than that funded by civil institutions or academia or industry and why should we care about the difference. well i think that question is even more relevant today. i've given several versions of this talk over the past few months of the book came out and each time i give the talk i've been thinking more and more about what's going on today in the country and the relevancy-- relevancy of what i have examined. irish a leash chose the...
Jul 15, 2017
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each of them have experience in government, academia and civil society and issues related to capitol hill. downing,t is richard who is currently the deputy assistant in the criminal division of the united states apartment of justice. also an associate professor of law at american university. next is giuliani, who is legislative counsel at the aclu. at the other end of the table is a coalitionith it of leading technology companies. thanks for being here today. i'm going to proceed with our discussion. are all aware of the interconnectedness of our global communications. the communications of the store data is no longer fixed. data lawrence from across the pond, fighting crime while preserving privacy. painting a legal mechanism through which a foreign law can obtain agency stored data held by u.s. communications companies. can a u.s. company help another government's investigation and still adhere to u.s. law? currently if a foreign law-enforcement investigator identifies that a subject of an investigation is using a u.s. based provider, that government needs to work through a mutual
each of them have experience in government, academia and civil society and issues related to capitol hill. downing,t is richard who is currently the deputy assistant in the criminal division of the united states apartment of justice. also an associate professor of law at american university. next is giuliani, who is legislative counsel at the aclu. at the other end of the table is a coalitionith it of leading technology companies. thanks for being here today. i'm going to proceed with our...
Jul 1, 2017
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i call it the trump derangement syndrome and academia is part of what i call the access of indoctrinationthe axis of indoctrination, they're being indoctrinated and parents are paying for this. in some colleges and universities you can't find a conservative in the political of economics or history and the kids are getting a one sided education and the parents are paying for it and it is an utrage. >> kimberly: that this is -- and it is an outrage. >> kimberly: parents and students are taking out loans to be educated and they're being brainwashed like a group-think situation in these college campuses. >> this is where we've got to get the word out because college students need to understand that during this period of their lives, the four years that they're going through the process of being educated, that it's cannot upon upon them to listen to a whole bunch of different views. to go to classes that they don't really think that they like. but to challenge themselves. to look beyond what they think they know. and unfortunately we have adults at these schools who are not encouraging young p
i call it the trump derangement syndrome and academia is part of what i call the access of indoctrinationthe axis of indoctrination, they're being indoctrinated and parents are paying for this. in some colleges and universities you can't find a conservative in the political of economics or history and the kids are getting a one sided education and the parents are paying for it and it is an utrage. >> kimberly: that this is -- and it is an outrage. >> kimberly: parents and students...
Jul 5, 2017
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." ♪ >> tucker: from the academia file, this spring, an article in the medical journal pediatrics said"ethically problematic to refer to breastfeeding as a natural activity, though, of course the most natural of all activities. it was one of the readers things we have seen in the year as in a year that has been definitely weird. cathy areu of "catalina magazine" thought the article was splendid, though. this is a baffling story. one that people aren't starting politics into breastfeeding, which it seems like it should could be off limits. why would it be controversial to call breastfeeding natural? if it's not natural, what is natural? >> breastfeeding doesn't come naturally as pediatricians will tell you. it's not easy. there are lactation specialists out there, there's our whole industry. breastfeeding isn't exactly natural. it doesn't come naturally to women. what they are saying is, i am so happy there's a study out here, finally letting women not have this guilt trip, that it's okay to handle a formula to daddy, to the men, and it's natural for a man to feed a baby. they are sayin
." ♪ >> tucker: from the academia file, this spring, an article in the medical journal pediatrics said"ethically problematic to refer to breastfeeding as a natural activity, though, of course the most natural of all activities. it was one of the readers things we have seen in the year as in a year that has been definitely weird. cathy areu of "catalina magazine" thought the article was splendid, though. this is a baffling story. one that people aren't starting...
Jul 4, 2017
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democratic party by itself cannot pose effective resistance to trump.ha the leftists in culture, academia, hollywood, media say, we are going to take over. step aside, democratic party. we will deal with trump. these are people who have not gotten over the last election. not since 1860, not since the election of lincoln have democrats obstinately refused to accept the results of the election. they are trying to overturn it and i think this bitter battle comes down to that. >> kimberly: i think it's almost like a media coup against a sitting american president. >> yes. and trump knows how to deal with it effectively. twitter is his masterful medium. he's almost kind of a poet on twitter. when you think about twitter, it is to journalism the way haiku is to poetry. it's a condensed form of expression accompanied by pictures. trump has become a master of thi genre so all the republicans that say get off twitter, they couldn't be more wrong. stay on twitter. >> kimberly: dr. loudon, do you see anything mentally unfit about wanting to defend yourself? >> crazy like a fox, may be. i think this
democratic party by itself cannot pose effective resistance to trump.ha the leftists in culture, academia, hollywood, media say, we are going to take over. step aside, democratic party. we will deal with trump. these are people who have not gotten over the last election. not since 1860, not since the election of lincoln have democrats obstinately refused to accept the results of the election. they are trying to overturn it and i think this bitter battle comes down to that. >> kimberly: i...
Jul 27, 2017
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not the independent research providers, i'm talking about academia, dictator, -- academia, big data, that have become increasingly important. tom: do you assume more combination?in to me, that is the only path to synergy if you have a week nominal gdp the only way you get there is mergers? i don'ton't --ewen: think we agree. in the see of earnings, there is a contrasting example in good management and bad. astra is down because they missed a trial. this is in control of the management. it is a wonderful day because we are talking about companies, not address economics. management are operating relatively slow growth in demand. it is a self-help economy. that is an interesting thing to think about as an investor. i look at their financials, i see a massive capex buildout on the help of revenues down the road. what are we seeing for capex in europe in general? tim: i think that is part of a broader story that we are doing some work on now. capex from the standpoint of helping to invest business,future o looking at margins, the core of bottom-line profitability, ifope has lagged the u.s
not the independent research providers, i'm talking about academia, dictator, -- academia, big data, that have become increasingly important. tom: do you assume more combination?in to me, that is the only path to synergy if you have a week nominal gdp the only way you get there is mergers? i don'ton't --ewen: think we agree. in the see of earnings, there is a contrasting example in good management and bad. astra is down because they missed a trial. this is in control of the management. it is a...
Jul 14, 2017
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galvanized around this issue and making a difference whether it's through faith-based groups, through academia, a judge from morocco who was instrumental in that country's law. it's really a whole of society effort to combat trafficking. >> what role is the end modern slavery initiative going to play in our continued efforts in this regard? >> so the program to end modern slavery that has been the $25 million provided to the state department will go to addressing prev lnalence areas, the report focuses on what governments are doing, but even governments taking substantial efforts or significant efforts may still face a large number of trafficking situations in their country. a large number of criminal actors and a large number of victims. and so we hope that the program to end modern slavery will look at that praev lns number and also share best practices about what is working internationally. do a good job of keeping statistics, of what the size and scope of the problem is and what solutions can help to eradicate that. >> senator cardin. >> thank both witnesses. secretary sullivan, in discuss
galvanized around this issue and making a difference whether it's through faith-based groups, through academia, a judge from morocco who was instrumental in that country's law. it's really a whole of society effort to combat trafficking. >> what role is the end modern slavery initiative going to play in our continued efforts in this regard? >> so the program to end modern slavery that has been the $25 million provided to the state department will go to addressing prev lnalence...
Jul 16, 2017
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i've been fighting it all my life of from media, academia and hollywood. you want collusion?mate change journalism, look at the news coverage on law enforcement, look at how conservatives are demonized across pop culture. you want with collusion? watch how academics, reporters and celebrities. you invented it! because every day there's a smoking gun x and in two days it goes up in smoke. but the press keeps overselling their product, exhausting the public. could you imagine cnn and msnbc being this intense over benghazi, fast and furious, the irs scandal, the doj scandal, loretta lynch's tarmac visit, hillary's secret server, the clinton foundation shenanigans? i could go on. [laughter] i could go on, and i will, nothing will ever come close to ted kennedy meeting with the kgb to meet ronald reagan in 12984. -- 1984. if it worked, we would still have the ussr. instead now, thanks to reagan, we have a smaller, far less scary russia, and that's the big joke here. the dems used the root for the russians against us. when the ussr was deadly and wanted us dead. and now decades lat
i've been fighting it all my life of from media, academia and hollywood. you want collusion?mate change journalism, look at the news coverage on law enforcement, look at how conservatives are demonized across pop culture. you want with collusion? watch how academics, reporters and celebrities. you invented it! because every day there's a smoking gun x and in two days it goes up in smoke. but the press keeps overselling their product, exhausting the public. could you imagine cnn and msnbc being...
Jul 10, 2017
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each of them have experience in academia and civil society and issues related to capitol hill. first to my left is richard downing, who is currently the assistant attorney general in the criminal division of the united states department justice. is jen dascal,t associate professional of law at university. nema guiliani. you, thanks for today.ere i will give a couple of opening remarks. just to frame the conversation. aware of the interconnectedness of our global communication. location of people, their communication and their stored fixed. no longer our focus of today's discussion, that's are the title of this data warrantses from across the pond fighting privacy.le preserving our legislative policy proposal exist to facilitate foreign obtaining a legal mechanism through which a agency law enforcement can obtain storied data, held by company.unications in other words can a u.s. governmentp another investigation and still adhere to u.s. law? currently, if a foreign law enforcement seventh identifies -- u.s. lawof including the electronic communications privacy act, -- precludes
each of them have experience in academia and civil society and issues related to capitol hill. first to my left is richard downing, who is currently the assistant attorney general in the criminal division of the united states department justice. is jen dascal,t associate professional of law at university. nema guiliani. you, thanks for today.ere i will give a couple of opening remarks. just to frame the conversation. aware of the interconnectedness of our global communication. location of...
Jul 21, 2017
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who look most analysts white house communication, academia or historians, it is usually policy and political problems. you say we don't understand in the united states how much the president is appreciated and how much they love him. can you describe to us how much -- the president has political and policy problems? mr. scaramucci: start with the first question. reporter: legal -- will you interact with the president's legal team? mr. scaramucci: i'm a close personal friend with jay sekulow. andll work with don mcgann other people to make sure we are handling ourselves in the most appropriate way possible. that is all i can say about that. reporter: and so than to follow on, hold your cap -- communications problems versus policy problems. mr. scaramucci: long ago, teddy roosevelt said that the presidency is a bully pulpit, and the president has a great gift in being able to control the new cycle and the messaging. if we get super coordinated around here with the president and we go back to what he did, some of the great successes he had on the campaign and the transition, and even in the pre
who look most analysts white house communication, academia or historians, it is usually policy and political problems. you say we don't understand in the united states how much the president is appreciated and how much they love him. can you describe to us how much -- the president has political and policy problems? mr. scaramucci: start with the first question. reporter: legal -- will you interact with the president's legal team? mr. scaramucci: i'm a close personal friend with jay sekulow....
Jul 18, 2017
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you couldn't swing a deb cabby without hitting a dead traveler in hollywood or academia. the far left embrace the evil back then and now they hate russia whose military and land mass is nowhere near the size and strength of its oldself. i get it what about that argument doesn't excuse donald trump's actions. that's not the point. it's shimplely to show you the chase is driven by politics and not reality it reveals the depth the left goes to win. example, let's say for the past year jesse has been stuffing me in my locker outside the "the five." finally i punch him in the goofy. that's the what about argument. the response is valid after the abuse. that's why america yawns over russia. for them a better explanation exists a nonpolitician donald trump jr. took a meeting unaware of the rules and forgot about it. look, russian meddling is a worry that we raise every single day on "the five." today's duplicity by hysterics who embrace the reds decades ago negates the outrage. you want collusion to matter? ask this: how do we stop it from happening again? that's constructive, w
you couldn't swing a deb cabby without hitting a dead traveler in hollywood or academia. the far left embrace the evil back then and now they hate russia whose military and land mass is nowhere near the size and strength of its oldself. i get it what about that argument doesn't excuse donald trump's actions. that's not the point. it's shimplely to show you the chase is driven by politics and not reality it reveals the depth the left goes to win. example, let's say for the past year jesse has...
Jul 15, 2017
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there are, are very influential, important prominent people, whether they're from academia or politicsu know, they are authors or celebrities who will share these stories from the kind of liberal online fever swamps and they'll share them on twitter without saying i know for a fact this is true. but pass them along cred lousily. in one remarkable case, democratic senator ed markey was giving an interview on cnn and parroted something he had read own the palmer report and journalists followed up with him and he had to retract it and apologi apologize. but the fact that has no credible sourcing and has not been touched by any mainstream news organization is able to bubble up from the bowels of the internet and arrive on the desk of a u.s. senator shows how influential they blogs can be. >> you cite in your piece for the "atlantic" a buzzfeed analysis. put these on the screen. occupy democrats, the other 98% and addicting info. what did buzzfeed find about their facebook postings. >> the analysis done by buzzfeed was in the final weeks of the presidential election. studied right-wing and
there are, are very influential, important prominent people, whether they're from academia or politicsu know, they are authors or celebrities who will share these stories from the kind of liberal online fever swamps and they'll share them on twitter without saying i know for a fact this is true. but pass them along cred lousily. in one remarkable case, democratic senator ed markey was giving an interview on cnn and parroted something he had read own the palmer report and journalists followed up...