happy birthday to acadia gaver of columbus ohio.lause ] dennis! stop stealing the "new york times" from my front door. and, no, it's not okay if you return it the next morning with your name in all the headlines. [ light laughter ] i don't believe that yesterday you flew to russia to discuss sanctions with vladimir putin. [ laughter ] also, why do you fill in the crossword puzzle with numbers and the sudoku with letters. it's creepy. [ laughter ] order your own paper, dennis. [ applause ] happy birthday to evan morgan of portland, oregon. may all your birthday wishes come true, evan. [ cheers and applause ] dennis! [ light laughter ] i don't have a problem with you ordering chinese food at 2:00 in the morning. that's fine. but can you stop having screaming matches with the delivery guy about how he's, quote, boning you on the price? [ laughter ] the price is the price, dennis. also, we don't operate on a barter system. no one is going to ever agree to trade general tso's chicken for your old reo speedwagon cds. [ laughter ] just pay