.-& acccsaaions are ssirlinn about ray lewis sing a banned substance.how he's rrsponding ann what thismans ffr 3 3 bthh- bob menendez 3 last spriig, seeret service agents on offiiial travel to colombia hired prostitutes. the scandal broke hen one -3 agent idn't pay his prostitute the agreee amount. in a televisedd nterviee, new - denounceddtheeagents' behavior. & [sot] "if the faats aae true, daassearlier menendez -3 reportedly did thh exact saae &pthing. exxept he hiied wo prostitttes. failed to payy& them the agreed amount of money. and hey were underage. also inna foreign ccunnry. federal crime to travel tt a foreign country to hhve sex &pwith children.menendez went o frommthe island nation on the -3 private jee offa campaignn reported aaywhere in his mandattry ethics and cammaiin filings as required by law ann senate rules.it gets worse. 3&poo abc's this eekkwith artha &ppaddatz. then the news roke 33 the fbi for using nderage &pprostitutessiinmoot casee, someone would cancel their tv appearancc. enendez didn't.. & pparently he as confident raised.. annhonest jurnaaist wouldn't all