if you have accessorbile insura to sell insurance whichup util to the largest number of folks in the world who drive automobiles, that's real money. back here at bs. home. but ultimately it all comes down to the same question. the question quite frankly of this election and the challenge our t country that values the role of workers and the success of businesses, and values the middle class in a success of the economy? or are we going to move backwards to the same disastrous fill ogs if i that rewarded speculators rather than builders? look. this is the third in a series of speeches i'm giving on behalf of our administration. laying out the stark choices we believe the american people are going to face in november. and what's at stake for the middle class. today i want to focus primarily on manufacturing, because president obama and i have been working to rebuild our manufacturing sector, and rebuild our country. because we think they're one iw without the other. we don't know how you leave it out, manufacturing and rebuild the country. let me tell you what we've done, but let me tel