. -- this was accosta. now he is secretary of labor. for lawyers out there, you never know who you will meet. keep in touch. [laughter] mr. mcgahn: someday the person you talk to is the white house counsel. and the president is looking for the secretary of labor. you never know. [laughter] [applause] i have not gotten to the funny parts yet. [laughter] mr. mcgahn: another thing i remember, this is the first conference, the lesson you never know who you were going to me. -- who you are going to meet. i managed to stumble into the banquet dinner, the predecessor of what we had last night. i recall, it was across the hall, there was plenty of her in -- plenty between the tables to navigate. the society was not as large as it is now. i was looking around and i heard someone say, there is an empty chair with us. someone grabbed me by the co-and coat i sat down. i said, you are the guy from the reagan administration? he said, yes. we go around and introduce -- i was at the illuminati table. [laughter] mr. mcgahn: someone stands up and said hi